Thursday, June 9, 2011

Artist to Organizer

The problem with being an artist is that you get a good idea and you latch into it with a grip just like a Scotsman on a 5 pound note. Unfortunately when that new idea takes hold, sometimes the old ones get put to the back burner until this new priority is finished. Well, at the moment all my art has taken a backseat to this new endeavor. We are putting on our own fairy festival of sorts, reviving the 13th century tradition of Midsummer Night's Eve.

Unfortunately this means money that I don't personally have and the people we thought were going to sponsor, didn't pull through quite as much as we wanted.

We've started a Kickstarter fund for the Midsummer Night's Eve Festival. Rewards for donating include a DVD from the festival, tickets, Tee Shirts, and even portraits done by yours truly, which I don't normally do, but for this I will!

Please help! Time is running out, and we hope to give out some cool stuff. If you just want to go to the festival, visit!

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