Friday, January 31, 2014

Spiritual Superiority?

During the Spanish Inquisition, informants were the main source of information, and people were encouraged to watch, observe, and report their neighbors to the church for possible heresies, a list of which grew over time. It began with the suspicion of converted jews, but once the inquisition took hold, it spread invasively into people's personal lives, torturing men and women alike. Previously peasants had no problem with premarital sex between two consenting adults, until the inquisition started pressing down on them, and set the stage for truly evil application of supposed religious superiority, while devising and employing torture devoid of anything remotely good or spiritual. "The denunciations were anonymous, and the defendants had no way of knowing the identities of their accusers. In practice, false denunciations were frequent. Denunciations were made for a variety of reasons, from genuine concern, to rivalries and personal jealousies." - Wiki

I can't help but feel that some remnants of the inquisition still remain today, but then the sense of spiritual superiority has always run deep from the Old Testament Pharisees, later to monks looking for status and wealth by starting brothels. We like to think that we are superior to the people that lived in those times, but the truth is that people haven't changed much. There will always be those who are cruel, and those who are kind. There will always be people who use religion and spirituality as a club to abuse others, whether it's the nosy church lady or the authoritarian husband how justifies abusing his wife and children. I've never met someone who was abusive who didn't think that they were higher evolved, better than others spiritually, and most disturbing, these abusers were well received socially. It's only one step from believing you are spiritually superior to thinking that you have some divine dominion to criticize and control others.

The very essence of the egocentric notion of spiritual superiority negates such assertions. It's not that they people in this role think they are saints, so much as they use their spirituality or religion as more than a source of pride, but proof that they are better than others. It comes with a tightly controlled and monitored exterior representation of who they think they are, but more importantly who they want people to think they are. As Stephen Covey noted in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective people, it's usually the people at home, when the mask comes off, that see the real person, which is often very different. 

There is power in being perceived as spiritually superior. Look at TV Evangelists who have a voice that reaches millions or even the religious leader who has the power to define what is right or wrong. They control the consciences of a good portion of their congregations, and therefore have a great deal of influence on the congregation's actions. In medieval times, Monks were given money and land to pray for knights and nobles, because they were perceived to be more holy and therefore their prayers were considered more affective. Meanwhile the monk life of sacrifice was far from it at times. Saint Benedict, the source of the Benedictine monks tried to change that, but like those who are intent on true spirituality, he was not well received. He imposed rules, and the other monks tried to kill him for it. Miraculously he survived 2 attempts on his life.

In reality the most beautiful people I've ever known spiritually never made assertions of spiritual superiority, divine insight, or any other form of spiritual pride. They were too busy helping others and proving their spirit with their life. And if confronted with these notions, they avoided competitive comparisons. They just kept on doing good, even when people looked down on them, criticizing their spirituality because of minutia. But true spirituality tends to be less socially acceptable than the bombastic narcissism that has infected society where self esteem has become lauded more than personal responsibility. Good people often get walked over and disrespected by self proclaimed spiritual people, who are too in love with themselves to think of others. The self proclaimed spiritual often are attaining something by their acts, either in attention in a form of narcissistic supply, or for some self-serving reason. The quiet acts of the truly spiritual are less spectacular, and often go unnoticed. Their sacrifices get glossed over in the wake of the dramatically spiritual.

"It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master." - Ayn Rand

In general people like to judge others and look down on people to make themselves feel better about themselves. If they didn't, we wouldn't have reality TV. All humans are flawed, but those who are honest about their flaws are not as well received as those who use excuses or hide their flaws. You can't see into another's heart or soul, but you can get a glimpse by what comes out of them, and if it's self importance, it can't be very spiritual. Even Jesus said, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone." - Mark 10:18

How do I know this? Cause I see myself fall into this pit at times. How many will be honest with themselves and admit it? How many are thinking that they are spiritually superior and yet are unsure of their soul or just afraid of death? How many find themselves alone and still blame someone else? How many are helping because they know best or because they really care about the person? Are you willing to empathize or are you too busy criticizing? Are you being honest about what you are really getting out of situations?

It's not a fine line. It's a tight rope. You lean too far one way or the other, and you are going to fall. But some people are too busy telling themselves that they're flying to get back on the rope and keep walking to the other side. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Gay Marriage

Recently an Oklahoma judge did his job and did it right. What do I mean by that?

Many people today want the government to be this all sustaining entity in their life.  They want to blame it for all their woes, and feel entitled for the government to take care of them.  In short, people are wanting the government to be their god.  This can be seen by those wanting the government to take on responsibilities that fall strictly in the domain of the church. 

By nature of the separation of church and state, the government is to preside over legal matters that concern property and infringements on the rights of its citizens, ergo any human regardless of cultural or religious differences that is considered a citizen of the United States of America by birth or oath. 

Morality and ethics are not the domain of the government but of religion and philosophy. Therefore the government separated itself to leave those concerns to the discernment of the various religions within its citizenry. If gay marriage is a religious issue, its validity would be up to each church and each religion to decide it's own stance within that congregation. Just as the government cannot dictate a religious stance to change and allow a marriage, a church cannot vote morality into governmental law, only its own church law, and only to those who willingly submit to put themselves under the law of that church. Should the church and those willingly joined in that church decide against it, then they are allowed to proceed as they see fit, so long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others, which would be illegal and the government's domain to protect a citizen from lasting damage.  But if there is a church that wants to marry gays, then so be it. It is the prerogative of that church, and It's still not the business of anyone outside their congregation.

However the courts can only address marriage so far as it is a legal contract willingly entered into by two adults of sound mind. It is an agreement between two individuals to follow the terms of the contract and contracts are of legal government concern to enforce, so long as it is valid within the law and has an exit clause.  Two people willingly participating in a contractual agreement are not a religious concern, because they have submitted it to the governing body of the legal system as opposed to the governing of the church, and "the government shall make no law concerning religion". That means FOR OR AGAINST. If it's religious, then government cannot make a law against it. If it's not, then the government has to treat all citizens equally under the law. PERIOD

Law is not about feelings. It's not about morality or ethics.  It is not a god to declare what is right and wrong, morally or ethically. It can only judge what is in accordance to its laws, and presently the denial of a section of humanity rights is violation of their basic human rights.

The history of marriage is not one of just the Bible, but of humanity. Marriage is a universal concept that crosses many cultures, religions, and beliefs. Those beliefs existed long before Christianity.  In fact it was Christianity in the time of Constantine that brought kindness to a contract that was not considered as sacred as it is today. In Rome, should your wife displease you, you could sell her to a whore house. Before that, the invention of the wedding ring was a symbol of the chain a man used to tie his wife to his home until Stockholm syndrome set in and she became his.  Even Charlemagne who was one of the driving forces of Christianity had Pope approved multiple concubines. I am glad that marriage has changed, because it was at one time akin to slavery, which is illegal now. So perhaps all marriage is illegal by that merit? Hmmm... At least by Biblical law slaves could be released after 7 years if they wanted, although some chose to stay with good masters. That was a point of pride at that time to have slaves that wanted to stay. Wives didn't have such freedom.

The point is that things are very different now, and much of our perceptions of marriage are modern constructs that are far kinder than their original version that has been spun in the best light. Do we really want to go back to a time of oppression?

Myself, I am straight, married, Christian, and have a daughter. Every one of those things is a choice that I had the freedom to make, because we don't live under a Theocracy with a state religion that oppresses those who worship differently.  Being that many Americans came here because of that very freedom, it's one of the freedoms that I treasure and so did the Founding Fathers. Oh look!  Even America had more than one dad! 

If you don't like it, then don't do it. It's that simple. It's just not right or just to force others to adjust to your preferences, regardless of what they are. The government is not a god. You are not a god. And those who submit to one are answerable to their own god. Make your own choices and unless it affects you personally, it really is not your concern. One of my favorite Bible quotes is "Mind your own business" in reference to a church that started meddling in people's affairs, which is what's happening today.

Democrats want the government to be their mom.
Republicans want the government to be their dad.
Libertarians want the government to treat them like adults.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


View from the house we stayed in outside the city.
I was talking to a friend yesterday about why I think I've never been afraid of spiders.  When I was a child, my dad would take a hand and move his fingers like a spider as a game.  The objective was for me to hit the spider.  I believe that's one of the reasons I've always had really fast reflexes by playing this game from the time I was a small child, until later in fencing when a friend said I was "fast like a freak." But in general, it taught me what to do if I saw a spider, and I was not afraid of them. Ironically I didn't feel the need to kill them either, because I was armed with a sense of preparation.  So they never really bothered me ... except once.

When I was in the Philippines in the Summer of 1996, my cousin and I stayed with my Uncle in Tagbilaran on the island of Bohol. While in the city, we had no hot water heater so showers were either cold or you ladled water to clean yourself and basically had a sponge bath.  Some rather extreme circumstances later, and a threat to kidnap my cousin and myself, and we were moved to a new location where we stayed, 2 girls alone in the jungle in this house.

The house like many in the Philippines was open to allow the tradewinds to blow through the structure and cool it. In the temperate climate, those winds did an excellent job keeping us cozy.  However, this also meant that it was open to the encroaching jungle as well.  In fact before we could stay there, they had to remove the dead pythons hanging from the rafters.  They would climb up to try to eat the eggs out of birds' nests and the birds would peck holes in the snakes' skulls, leaving their limp bodies as a ghastly decoration. We had not had any game growing up to deal with snakes, so they did scare me.

The one thing about this new location though is it had a hot water heater, and neither of us girls could wait to get a real shower.  It was glorious and steamy as I bathed in what felt like luxury and is commonplace here in the US. I remember washing when I saw a huge spider, bigger than my father's hand climb down the wall in front of me. It was brown and hairy, and nothing like I had ever seen.  As if it wasn't bad enough to be alone and naked in a shower with the most monstrous spider I'd ever scene, but it was just then that the island had a "brown out".  A brown out is when the electricity for the entire island goes out.  I was plunged into darkness, wet, naked, and alone with the spider.  This I was not prepared for in the least as I yelped and groped in the darkness for my towel and raced to get as much clothing and distance between myself and the spider.

Although that one summer had many stories that came from it, and some unsettling, it was an experience I won't forget. I wish that more young people had a chance to visit a third world country and realize the things they take for granted on a daily basis. Perhaps the next time you take a shower, you'll think of this story and be thankful for something as simple as hot water.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


verb - allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference. synonyms: allow, permit, condone, accept, swallow, countenance;

noun - the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.

The key to understanding tolerance is that by sheer definition it is what you do in regards to something that you are innately opposed to; however, lots of people who demand tolerance of others, are often unwilling to extend tolerance to those who disagree, which in general goes against the very definition. You cannot be tolerant of people who agree with you, only those who disagree. Therefore to label someone tolerant who attacks those who disagree is a misnomer. 

For example, while a person may be pro gay marriage and therefore think that they are tolerant because they are straight, it is a concept that they are actually advocating. Therefore it is not tolerance, for them to advocate for gay marriage. Tolerance would be for those of the opposing viewpoint, which is not often seen as proved by the canceling of Duck Dynasty for expressing what is presently an unpopular opinion. This is not a display of tolerance. This is not advocating a system of peaceful coexistence, which I do not think is the same thing as "tolerance".

Personally I am not a fan of universal tolerance, because there are some things that should not be tolerated. Abuse, bullying, and ignoring the rights of others are all intolerable acts and I don't care what banner you are flying at the time. Bullying people who believe different than you is intolerable. Pressing your beliefs onto other people is intolerable. It is just as bad for people to attack conservatives as it is to attack people who are liberal. It is extremely hypocritical to demand tolerance and not be willing to afford it to your opposing viewpoint.

I'm Libertarian so I ruffle feathers on both sides of the fence; however, while debating with conservatives, I tend to get far less personal attacks than with liberals, who have had a habit of passionately demonizing opposing views. And these were people who advocated "tolerance". What they are really doing is standing in judgement and making the social rules for everyone else by picking and choosing what should and should not be tolerated. Their personal bias becomes the status by which all others must adapt. It sets them up for a mindset of aggressive moral superiority, not peaceful coexistence. This isn't good either, when some feel perfectly justified to bully others because they are Christian or conservative by labeling them intolerant by assumption. That's not tolerant. And it's hypocritical to demand that their opposition respect them without giving the same respect.

I don't claim tolerance, because that would presume that there is something to be tolerated, when as a matter of fact, unless that behavior is directly impacting myself then it's not a matter of tolerance. It's a matter of "not my business". You can only tolerate that which affects you, and the sheer word also lends more validity to one side than the other, a sense of superiority and rightness to tolerate the wrong. The difference are the people who attack others for thinking differently, and those who realize that how another person thinks does not affect them.

That comes with abstract reasoning, being able to separate yourself from others. When you make choices for your own life, and realize that you don't have the right to make choices for other people's lives unless they affect yours, what they do is of little consequence.  If it doesn't affect you, then you don't need control over it. That's freedom of choice, and allowing other people freedom of choice ... which is more than tolerance.  It's better than tolerance, because it doesn't come with a judgement.  It doesn't come with an aggressive undertone.  It's not making a character judgement of right or wrong, it's simply respecting others enough to let them make their own life decisions without someone else having to "tolerate" it.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Sword and the Truth

Truth is compared often as a sword and its usage treated in much the same way. I'm not advocating lies, but truth should be tempered with mercy and tact.  It should be used in specific ways, much akin to a sword as it cuts to the heart of things.  It pierces through the veil of darkness that obscures and distracts.  For this reason one should live by truth as they live by the sword.

Truth, like a sword, should be carried with you, ever ready to be wielded.  However if you do not know how to wield truth or a sword by drawing it, you have issued an invitation to be attacked. It makes you a target, a threat, to be taken down by those it threatens most. If you are not able to handle truth, it will ultimately cause you much damage despite having truth in your possession. 

Truth, like a sword, is used to not only attack but to block the attacks of others. It must be sharpened and honed with provable facts and not emotions or opinions. 

Carrying truth with you constantly, presenting and demonstrating that you are quite capable with it, is enough to scare away the cowardly who prey on the weak and defenseless, but it will draw to you the extremes of those who are arrogant and enjoy battle, the competitive, those who are too cowardly to stand for themselves, those in actual need, those who only think that they are righteous, and those who actually are, who love honor and all things good. 

If you are with a friend who is hurt and down, knowingly ashamed, it is not wise to draw your sword on them to beat them down further. A sword is a tool.  In times of mercy it is not always needed, unless it is to cut out the sores and poisonous bites that taint someone.

Truth is a weapon used to defend honor and fight injustice, but it is only as good as the person who wields it, and best used in the presence of armor or thick hide to defend against the reposts of the enemy.  Most are not agile enough to simply not be there to avoid those attacks, but then it is near to impossible to have your truth heard to defend against attacks to which you did not bear witness.

In essence, the best way to wield truth is to practice using it regularly, to learn all you can about it, and to be ever ready to use it to its fullest extent. 

One of my favorite quotes of all time is "To be a warrior is to be genuine in every moment of your life" by Chogyam Trungpa. It sums up the general concept that a life of honesty is a hard life of conflict. People fear and fight truth at every turn. It does not tell them what they want to hear, it tells them the truth. Often, people who think they are honest and genuine lie to themselves the most and convince themselves of things that simply are not so. It is a constant battle against external and internal forces to be genuine and honest with yourself, others, and the intent behind your actions. Perception is not always the same as truth, no matter how much we may wish it so. We are either leaves blown about on the wind at the whim of others, or we are trees rooted in truth.

"Every man has three characters - that which he exhibits, that which he has, and that which he thinks he has." - Karr, Alphonse

A Warrior of Light works to ensure that all three are the same.

To Hate the Great

There never was a man who did anything great,
who did not also inspire others to hate.
For having, being, or doing what others could not,
the jealous find ways, great names to blot.

What an immodest and selfish creature is man
who says "none can be greater than I am",
killing genius and brilliance out of mere jealousy,
surrendering hope for all in the name of greed.

Regardless of accomplishments, the great deliver,
it can all be sold for 30 pieces of silver.
The greatest names stretching back through time,
lives cut short by twisted reason and rhyme.


I cannot sleep next to you at night
because you give old wounds New life
but it has nothing, my love, to do with you,
but the man who, my soul he tried to slew
What gives a man the right to posess another
by excuse of an unloving mother?
He swore to never let me love another
and put my whole world and life asunder.

Tis his memory I wrestle nightly
of this man who didn't treat me rightly
and to prove to himself he was mighty
had to crush my spirit and humanity nightly

In my sleep, your arm becomes his
replaying a gruesome battle of wits
still bound at ankles and wrists
as my soul and my clothes he rips.

My screams again go unheard,
as he rapes body, he rapes mind with words.
yelling "there is no God" when I try to pray,
and hurting me worse for attempts to get away.

They say I'm lucky to be alive,
he intended to kill me that night
But the waking dead I feel some days
though I have few scars to display.

Though he sits in an iron cage,
and the law says the debt is paid
in my own prison I remain,
in shifting walls of revisiting pain.

So I lie sleepless in my invisible cell,
for sleep revisits my personal hell,
Your gesture a part of me longs for
serves as key to an unpleasant door.

Deja Fu

Deja fu
I'm ready to fight
I've been here before
I know what you will do next
I see the pattern of words you weave
I know what you will do next
I've been here before
I'm ready to fight

Deja fu

Absentee Love

It's hard to imagine summer
when winter is chilling you to the bone.

Though surrounded by people,
I could not be more alone.

I've given my love to men
with hearts of stone,

returning my gifts with
an unwelcome cold groan.

When love came,
it was I who fell,

but isn't love supposed to
lift you up, as well?

The absence of love
is the essence of hell,

with or without

this earthly shell.


I can forgive the man who kills me, but I will still be dead
I can forgive the one who lies to me, but distrust will still be bred.
I can forgive the one who cuts me, but I will still bleed.
I can forgive the one who takes from me but I will still be in need.

I can forgive the one who hurts me, but it does not erase the pain.
To forgive the unrepentant heart, means they'll only do it again.
"I'm sorry" does not stop the blood nor tears that freely flow.
How can one cause such an effect and claim they did not know?

To cause a wound in heart or flesh, may heal but it takes time.
Forgiveness does not erase the fact that there was ever a crime.
Forgiveness does the soul much good, and letting go helps for sure
But there are consequences for every deed that its victims must endure.


I saw you. I saw you plainly and you shook. Who knew I had such power in a look? I, the rooted one stood still, while you trembled like a leaf blown by a force unseen - truth? guilt? fear of being caught? Would your world crumble should I shine a light on your dry and withered self? I knew what you had done, and despite all the history you tried to rewrite, deep down you knew too, and because of it, you trembled. Not the mighty oak you would have them believe, but just a trembling dead leaf, clinging to a branch. I see you plainly. Do they?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Clearing Up the Pop Culture References

It's sad how much film and pop culture can have an influence on society's perceptions of psychology.  Most infamously was the mixing up of the term schizophrenic and multiple personality disorder, otherwise known as dissociative disorder.  "Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that makes it hard to: Tell the difference between what is real and not real; Think clearly; Have normal emotional responses; Act normally in social situations."  It has nothing to do with the splitting of the personality, but thanks to modern entertainment, the definitions were confused. "Dissociative disorders are conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity or perception. People with dissociative disorders use dissociation, a defense mechanism, pathologically and involuntarily."  Although the two are similar in their deviations from the real world, you would never see a schizophrenic with multiple personalities.  Although perceptions are unstable for schizophrenics, the self is unstable for the dissociative.

Media has a profound impact on how we perceive the things that are outside the realm of our daily life. For many, it is their only window, into what some of us have actually lived.  Therefore it becomes the baseline of expectations when those things actually occur, such as criminal behavior. Serial killers are a favorite for police dramas, and solving crimes a large section of our daily programming.  However the technology and equipment available to CSI are not often found in small or rural communities.  We've all seen the kidnappings where the cops are at the house, waiting for the kidnapper to call. But that's Hollywood. In my experience, it was being dragged in to report the crime, then the rape kit, the photos, the videoing of my testimony, then our interactions were mostly done unless something new came up.  There were patrols, and they finally caught my ex driving slow on the interstate in Kansas, where he tried to plead insanity. I suppose that doesn't make good television though, so Hollywood mixes things up.  Rarely do people consider that when watching a show. Perhaps America has media induced schizophrenia where most don't know what is real or unreal until they've experienced it for themselves.

This blog is mainly on the differences between psychopaths and sociopaths.  Media has used them interchangeably, and in many ways they are the same condition.  The big difference is that psychopaths are born, and sociopaths are made, nature versus nurture, if you will. Otherwise they are virtually the same thing.

Psychopaths' brains literally do not function in a normal way, from birth. This is one of the reasons that there is no cure for psychopaths.  Their brains show low activity in certain areas of the frontal and temporal lobes linked to empathy, morality and self-control.  The expression of this and the behaviors are the same in sociopathy, the only difference being that sociopaths were not born, they were made. Sociopathy became used in reference to the violation of social norms and antisocial behavior inherent in the pathology.

Antisocial is another term that is widely misused in association with introverted or avoidant people as well as others less likely to socialize in a typically extroverted way.  However Antisocial at its meaning, means against society and antisocial personality disorder  is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others.  This may be expressed through lying, manipulation, and abuse, both mental and physical.  Antisocial Personality Disorder is classified under Dramatic personality disorders, alongside narcissistic and histrionic and can express similar qualities. Just in case you were wondering what's wrong with drama queens, you'll probably find it under dramatic personality disorders.

These antisocial behaviors are what separate the psycho/sociopath from what can often seem like narcissistic personality disorder.  The lack of empathy is the same, but the psychopath causes far more destruction through antisocial behavior which can be easily observed in psychopaths from the characteristics expressed below.

Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: Factors, Facets, and Items[1]
Factor 1Factor 2Other items
Facet 1: Interpersonal
Facet 2: Affective
  • Lack of remorse or guilt
  • Emotionally shallow
  • Callous/lack of empathy
  • Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Facet 3: Lifestyle
  • Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
  • Parasitic lifestyle
  • Lack of realistic, long-term goals
  • Impulsivity
  • Irresponsibility
Facet 4: Antisocial
  • Many short-term marital relationships
  • Promiscuous sexual behavior

Compared to a control brain (top), neuroscientist James Fallon’s brain (bottom)
shows significantly decreased activity in areas of the frontal lobe linked to
empathy and morality—anatomical patterns that have been linked
with psychopathic behavior. Image via James Fallon

Another misconception about psychopaths is that they must be violent criminals or serial killers, but the fact is that there are many psycho/sociopaths surrounding us on a daily basis. I've seen the percentage of society being as low as 4% and as high as 10%.  That means that you probably know one in your life and both of you probably don't know it. You might even really like them, and that is par for the course. Because of the psychopath's superficial charm and lack of inhibition socially, he/she is usually well received socially. Despite their antisocial behaviors, they are the kings and queens of first impressions.  They can lie without compunction, which does not set off the normal red flags found in people with healthy brains attempting to lie.  Unless you found them standing over a body when you first met them, most people don't think, "What a nice psychopath".

Their true nature takes time to reveal, but just because they are a psychopath doesn't mean they are physically dominating the people around them. Neuroscientist, James Fallon was researching serial killers, when he discovered that he was a psychopath by accident. Instead of concealing the knowledge, he applied what he knew of himself to further untangling the mystery of psychopathy. His domination of others was more emotional than physical, but the signs are there.

“I’m obnoxiously competitive. I won’t let my grandchildren win games. I’m kind of an asshole, and I do jerky things that piss people off,” he says. “But while I’m aggressive, my aggression is sublimated. I’d rather beat someone in an argument than beat them up.” - James Fallon

After reading that, the percentage of psychopaths doesn't seem quite as foreign or unrealistic.  Fallon never killed or raped anyone, but it was in his blood lines. Read the full article.

In much of psychology, especially with emotional abuse, there are personalities that attract and repel each other like magnets. Codependents and Narcissists have an instantaneous gravitational pull toward each other.  Nature abhors a vacuum, and the empty parts of one attracts what appears to be filled in another.  The same holds true for psychopaths.

Empathic people are natural targets for sociopaths. - "Empaths are ordinary people who are highly perceptive and insightful and belong to the 40% of human beings who sense when something’s not right, who respond to their gut instinct ... empaths have the ability to understand their own emotions, to listen to other people and empathise with their emotions, to express emotions productively and to handle their emotions in such a way as to improve their personal power." Because of this perceptive quality, empaths are the first to detect that something is wrong, and therefore they are a threat to the sociopath's power base, nestled firmly in their dominance and manipulation of others.

Although I was not as well schooled in this before my marriage to a psychopath, I knew one of the reasons my exhusband could not let me go and attacked me was because I had figured him out. I knew when he was lying. I called him out on his crap, and he could no longer get away with things like he had at first.  His power over me was broken. His true face was revealed, and I saw through the mask of his Clark Kent persona that so many believed. To him, this was a punishable offense, because he had woven a network of lies and caught many in his glamour. If I were to point that out, it would all fall apart. His attack started out with gas lighting, and making me feel like I was crazy.  But I am not schizophrenic, I know what is real and what isn't.  So that failed.  His next onslaught was projection. He would tell others that I did to him what he did to me. He would channel all his darker impulses onto me.  He billed me as a liar to negate anything I might say about him.  In the end I felt like I was screaming into the wind and no one would listen, as he even turned my own family against me.  It wasn't until the physical evidence of the attack that people began to take me and my complaints seriously, but the lies of him and other sociopaths that I've attracted still circulate and have done horrible damage to me personally and professionally over the years.

These mean girls on TV who destroy people from the shadows are displaying psychopathic tendencies. This manipulation of others, getting intermediaries to do their work for them, is what is called the SOCIOPATH-EMPATH-APATH TRIAD

"The usual set-up goes like this: the empath is forced to make a stand on seeing the sociopath say or do something underhand. The empath challenges the sociopath, who straight away throws others off the scent and shifts the blame on to the empath. The empath becomes an object of abuse when the apath corroborates the sociopath’s perspective.

The situation usually ends badly for the empath and sometimes also for the apath, if their conscience returns to haunt them or they later become an object of abuse themselves. But, frustratingly, the sociopath often goes scot free.

Sociopaths rarely vary this tried-and-tested formula because it virtually guarantees them success.
Sociopaths draw in apaths by various means: flattery, bribery, disorienting them with lies. A sociopath will go to any lengths to win her game. "

This is the key to the sociopath's success, and while it doesn't involve rape and murder, it's a very affective way to destroy the empath socially.  Unfortunately therapy does not work on psycho/sociopaths and those who have ended up in therapy only use the knowledge to cause more damage and learn to manipulate others more effectively. It may not be as dramatic as crime drama, or as cinematic, but it's from the same destructive source, which leaves many bewildered empaths in its wake whose lives will never be the same. Although psychopaths can lead relatively normal lives with marriages and jobs, people need to be aware that running into a psychopath will not be some obvious thing.  Pathological lying, promiscuity, and multiple failed marriages are tells that often the psychopath will keep covert through information control - i.e. secrets, limiting people who one can talk to, attacking people for "talking-about-them", and diminishing the validity of naysayers.  Most of their friends will be relatively new, superficial, or over great distances, because those close to them are more likely to tire over time of mistreatment and lies.

One of the times that Hollywood got a sociopath right was in an episode of Monk. An actor killed his wife, but was playing the victim. Everyone around Monk was sucked in by the murderer, and adored him as they were bribed and invited to parties.  However Monk was onto him, the Empath, while his friends had become Apaths. He seemed the oddball for not rallying to this charismatic actor like everyone else, but he had seen that the actor was a sociopath.  Monk watched the actor lie nonchalantly while on a treadmill. The heart monitor showed no response, and Monk knew he was a sociopath.  Monk's protests were marginalized and minimized more and more.  Others turned against him and toward the charismatic liar.  But being Hollywood,  Monk obviously came out on top in the end.  But in real life, that's not always the case.  But I suppose that's the difference between reality and fiction.

"The difference between reality and fiction?