Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Gay Marriage

Recently an Oklahoma judge did his job and did it right. What do I mean by that?

Many people today want the government to be this all sustaining entity in their life.  They want to blame it for all their woes, and feel entitled for the government to take care of them.  In short, people are wanting the government to be their god.  This can be seen by those wanting the government to take on responsibilities that fall strictly in the domain of the church. 

By nature of the separation of church and state, the government is to preside over legal matters that concern property and infringements on the rights of its citizens, ergo any human regardless of cultural or religious differences that is considered a citizen of the United States of America by birth or oath. 

Morality and ethics are not the domain of the government but of religion and philosophy. Therefore the government separated itself to leave those concerns to the discernment of the various religions within its citizenry. If gay marriage is a religious issue, its validity would be up to each church and each religion to decide it's own stance within that congregation. Just as the government cannot dictate a religious stance to change and allow a marriage, a church cannot vote morality into governmental law, only its own church law, and only to those who willingly submit to put themselves under the law of that church. Should the church and those willingly joined in that church decide against it, then they are allowed to proceed as they see fit, so long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others, which would be illegal and the government's domain to protect a citizen from lasting damage.  But if there is a church that wants to marry gays, then so be it. It is the prerogative of that church, and It's still not the business of anyone outside their congregation.

However the courts can only address marriage so far as it is a legal contract willingly entered into by two adults of sound mind. It is an agreement between two individuals to follow the terms of the contract and contracts are of legal government concern to enforce, so long as it is valid within the law and has an exit clause.  Two people willingly participating in a contractual agreement are not a religious concern, because they have submitted it to the governing body of the legal system as opposed to the governing of the church, and "the government shall make no law concerning religion". That means FOR OR AGAINST. If it's religious, then government cannot make a law against it. If it's not, then the government has to treat all citizens equally under the law. PERIOD

Law is not about feelings. It's not about morality or ethics.  It is not a god to declare what is right and wrong, morally or ethically. It can only judge what is in accordance to its laws, and presently the denial of a section of humanity rights is violation of their basic human rights.

The history of marriage is not one of just the Bible, but of humanity. Marriage is a universal concept that crosses many cultures, religions, and beliefs. Those beliefs existed long before Christianity.  In fact it was Christianity in the time of Constantine that brought kindness to a contract that was not considered as sacred as it is today. In Rome, should your wife displease you, you could sell her to a whore house. Before that, the invention of the wedding ring was a symbol of the chain a man used to tie his wife to his home until Stockholm syndrome set in and she became his.  Even Charlemagne who was one of the driving forces of Christianity had Pope approved multiple concubines. I am glad that marriage has changed, because it was at one time akin to slavery, which is illegal now. So perhaps all marriage is illegal by that merit? Hmmm... At least by Biblical law slaves could be released after 7 years if they wanted, although some chose to stay with good masters. That was a point of pride at that time to have slaves that wanted to stay. Wives didn't have such freedom.

The point is that things are very different now, and much of our perceptions of marriage are modern constructs that are far kinder than their original version that has been spun in the best light. Do we really want to go back to a time of oppression?

Myself, I am straight, married, Christian, and have a daughter. Every one of those things is a choice that I had the freedom to make, because we don't live under a Theocracy with a state religion that oppresses those who worship differently.  Being that many Americans came here because of that very freedom, it's one of the freedoms that I treasure and so did the Founding Fathers. Oh look!  Even America had more than one dad! 

If you don't like it, then don't do it. It's that simple. It's just not right or just to force others to adjust to your preferences, regardless of what they are. The government is not a god. You are not a god. And those who submit to one are answerable to their own god. Make your own choices and unless it affects you personally, it really is not your concern. One of my favorite Bible quotes is "Mind your own business" in reference to a church that started meddling in people's affairs, which is what's happening today.

Democrats want the government to be their mom.
Republicans want the government to be their dad.
Libertarians want the government to treat them like adults.

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