Saturday, April 13, 2013

Faith and Belief

Lately I have been pondering on the concepts of faith and belief, and I think that they are two entirely different creatures that often become intertwined to have the same meaning.  This simply is not the case, and I can only speculate on the core differences, but there is a difference.

Belief in something does not make it true.  I have heard many people say that if you believe it, then it will happen, but if that were true, when people who are high believe they can fly, we wouldn't find their bodies the next day splattered on concrete.  I have no doubt that they believe with all their hearts that they can fly.  We can believe a lie told to us all day long, but it does not make it true, nor change reality by enough people believing.  If it did, we would not have schizophrenics, who live in their own worlds, but it is only real to them, and does not make them true... it makes them sick.

So how is faith different?  You can invest your energy and faith into someone and still be betrayed, but I  believe (so this could be right or wrong) that faith does not come from us.  Faith is the connection between us and the divine.  Such was the lesson on the water with Jesus and Peter.  So long as Peter had his eyes on Christ, he could do it, but fear set in and he began to sink. Before he could walk on water, first Peter had to believe, but not in himself.  He had to have faith in the divine that all things were possibly through Christ who strengthens us, and all things work for good for those who serve the Lord.  And if you ask me, that's rather specific.

Throughout my life, I have been exposed to a variety of people, and in them a variety of beliefs, but the one resounding difference was what they believed in, more than what they believed.  Those who believed in the light, the good, and that it would carry them, those who actively worked to shine that light to the benefit of others, those were people who had faith.  Adversely I've seen many with a foolish belief in themselves only to be a disappoint to themselves and others time and time again when reality didn't measure up to their belief.  I've seen people more concerned and with more belief in a cause, using their belief as a crutch to support that cause than the other way around.  Personally I have seen and had faith in things to see mighty things happen, and I have believed in things that were unworthy of that belief and ended in bitter disappointment.  Honestly the result is indicative of that belief versus faith.  The seed was planted and you could tell by its fruit whether it was planted in faith or belief.

In conclusion, all I can say is that there is a distinct difference between the two.  Perhaps it seems simplistic, but if that were so, people would not be getting it wrong so much.  I leave you with the question:  What do you believe in?  What do you have faith in?  How often have you been disappointed by who or what you believed in?  All I ask is that you examine your intentions, your sources, and perhaps you might find the solution that is right for you.  In so doing, I hope you find the faith that you need, by letting the light lead.

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