Sunday, March 23, 2014


This week was very rough. When my family took Evey into the vet with a fever and cough, we were expecting bronchitis, penumonia at the most. So we were surprised when the X-rays came back with fluid on the lungs where you could not even distinguish Evey's sweet heart. Moments before the vet came in with the bad news, we had been laughing and joking.  Even the vet was ready to say it was a cold before the Xrays, and she could have been sent home without ever knowing, so I am glad that we pushed for them. Further tests at Atlanta's equivalent of a Mayo clinic for animals turned up that Evey has Lyphoma with masses on her liver, spleen, and chest area. One of the masses is pressing on her lungs making it hard to breathe.

This goes a long way to explain why Evey was getting so tired so quickly, and I felt horrible for not knowing how bad she felt when I laughed at taking her for a "drag" instead of a walk. Although she normally approached walks with energy and enthusiasm, after very little she was lagging and tired. Now we know why and it breaks my heart.  It's so hard to tell that she's sick because she has such a good nature.

Previously my daughter, Morgan, was afraid of dogs, but Evey is precious and hard not to love. When we first introduced Evey, we'd had a black lab that was rough and hyper, and had drug Morgan to the ground playing the first week with us. Although Trinity was a sweet animal and could be calm with adults, she simply got too wound up with Morgan. Evey calmly came into our home and Morgan and her bonded. When Trinity knocked Morgan down in that first meeting, Evey put Trinity in her place. Ever since, she's been Morgan's protector. She's protective of me as well, but she's especially gentle and tolerant with Morgan. Although strong when playing tug of war with me or my husband, Evey always let's Morgan win and never pulls very hard. She's so good with Morgan and Morgan loves her. Evey's favorite part of the day is going with me to pick Morgan up from school. After Morgan is in the car, she turns from the front seat so she can watch Morgan in her carseat. When Morgan was visiting her grandparents, I skyed Morgan, and Evey jumped up the happiest she'd been in days, just to hear Morgan's voice.  After the call, she went and laid by Morgan's bed because she missed her furless puppy. Morgan still doesn't quite grasp how sick Evey is, but she now wants to be an animal doctor.

We started the FundRazr to try and help with Evey's care, because the treatment is not cheap. At first we were terrified that because of money we would have to let Evey go, but we were betting on a tax refund that hasn't happened yet. Thanks to the generosity of friends and family, it softened the blow of the mounting bills. We are already $3,000 in and with the chemo therapy, and it's probably going to be a couple thousand more, making the final total somewhere around $5,000 when all is said and done. But how can you put a price on love?

Evey is our angel. She was rescued from a shelter by a friend who could no longer keep her in her apartment complex. When she came to us 9 months ago, she was a Godsend, and has been my constant companion. Considering my situation, she's done a lot to help me cope with certain things, just by being herself. She's our little furry nanny who herds us all upstairs when it gets dark, always caring for her people. Once she decides you're one of her people, she will lavish you with doggy kisses. People who don't normally like dogs, like Evey.  She's not a dog, she's our furry angel. She's taken care of us for the past year. Now it's her turn for us to care for her.  If you can, please share the FundRazr. Things are really tight. Please keep Evey in your prayers, and thank you to all who have prayed and shared. 

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