Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Writing Challenge

Although I have a writing buddy and we used to write back and forth all the time, I had some serious writers block until recently. Now I have a daily goal of 1000 words a day. So far I've done better on that than my diet goals ;)

Still, Tawmis and I are kicking out the Chapters and challenging each other. Thus I have revived some of my old solo unfinished stories that are not placed in pre-established worlds. I'm hoping that this means with a little help from Tawmis that I might be able to create something marketable.

Much of what I write comes from dreams that I've had. One idea I had from a dream looks very promising. It may all be crap, but there's something fulfilling in finishing a ... project ... sorry, my stack of unfinished oil paintings was glaring at me again. Apparently they have the watercolors on their side. Something about finishing old projects before starting new ones... they are going to be very disappointed when they find out that I'm getting a new waccom board.

In case you were wondering, I'm totally adding this scatter brained post to my daily word count ;)

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