Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Personal Soylent Issues

My body is weird, and my stomach is sensitive to certain things like B vitamins and chromium. Taking "weight loss" vitamins usually results in me throwing them up because they irritate my stomach. So when I started not being able to stomach Soylent, I figured that must be what was going on.

Before I started Soylent, I had taken a B vitamin shot, the only way I can get them into me without problems. Somehow this made drinking Soylent fine, but when it wore off, I had problems stomaching the Soylent and even threw it up. The taste became unbearable. But a B vitamin shot later and my body adjusted to it just fine again.

Also in the past I've had issues going vegetarian. Some people just can't, and apparently I'm part cat or something and need some of the amino acids from meat. I kept craving meat. We started adding Creatine to the Soylent and that helped, but looking at adding Carnosine and Carnitine as well.

I've basically been using Soylent like I did Slimfast and eating a real meal once a day. If nothing else, I am getting better nutrition than before, so that's good. I haven't lost any real weight. If anything I've gained but that's partially due to the thyroid issue and lots of heavy lifting. Trenton's lost 7 pounds and has been able to stick to purely Soylent without issue, but then he's mostly healthy.

A couple weeks ago I ended up in the emergency room with heart issues. So I haven't been pushing my body to adjust. I had congestive heart failure when I had my daughter, and a 50/50 chance of dying if I have another child due to my heart. So if I'm not gung ho over Soylent, it's because my body is abnormal to start with, and stress does bad things. I haven't given up on it just yet, but I'm not pushing it either. So we'll see what happens.

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