Thursday, September 4, 2014


I feel like I'm yelling at walls concerning certain topics, and it doesn't seem like anything gets through to people. Often a couple years later, people will come back with "I should have listened to you", but by then it's too late and just more of Cassandra's tears.

I've been saying for years that we have the technology to GPS track criminals who have already been convicted of violent crimes to prevent them from repeat offending. Times have changed, but as usual the laws haven't. Restraining orders are just a piece of paper, and parole officer check ins are a comfort to some, but in general the restrictions like don't go near a school zone or other such things are not very well enforced. Just take a look at how many sex offenders live in your vicinity some day, it will frighten you. But now that we have GPS tracking there's no reason for that! We chip our dogs for goodness sake! It's been proven safe and effective. The tech and premise are solid.

Violent Sex Offenders are more likely to repeat offend than any other criminal. Therefore releasing these high risk individuals back into the population is like releasing a wolf into a herd of sheep. He might be nice and full when you release him, but sooner or later he's going to get hungry for what put him in a cage to start with. So why not track them?

Forget the responses for why not, because they are all invalid now. It's recently been proven to work extremely effectively by being put into practice in Massachusetts. Tried and tested, IT WORKS!

"not a single case she's taken on has ended in murder, and the men who have been sentenced to GPS tracking have not committed any future acts of violence. "

They say that you can tell what your enemy fears by what he uses to threaten you. This employs that same principle and uses it effectively in a way that has broken the cycle of oppression that comes at the hands of abusers and stalkers...

"The system works in no small part because it turns the logic of an abusive relationship on its head. The abuser works by making the victim feel like she will never be free of him, his violence, and his surveillance. If she tries to leave, he escalates. If she gets a new boyfriend, he escalates. The idea is to make her feel like her choices are to submit or to live in terror. The high-risk teams shift the burden of being surveilled from the victim to the abuser. Now, if he makes a threat, Massachusetts has the power to escalate. If he uses visitation time to attack her or her children, Massachusetts restricts visitation. Now he's the one who has to make his decisions with the understanding that someone with power can further restrict his movements and his ability to live freely. Abusers often victimize for years before taking things to the level of a serious beating or murder. By restricting movements in the early stages, it appears that the program helps keep abusers from getting to that point. "

At last someone gets it! The solution has been staring us in the face for some time now, and someone finally put it to good use. The number of social problems that this will solve are numerous. Out of all the worthless legislation being pressed for, THIS addresses a real social threat. Now that we know that it works, there is no reason we shouldn't have this in every state. IT WORKS! DO IT!

To read more of the article, visit this page.

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