Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My Prayer

Since I've prayed for things in the past and am pretty sure God likes me to be specific, I thought that I would share those things I earnestly desire for those in my life. Though I believe in the power of prayer, I also know that sometimes it's powerful to know that someone wishes good things for you, especially when you have a hard time even wanting them for yourself. Even if you are an atheist, if you're my friend, know that this is what I wish for you and take it as the positive thought that it is, even if you don't believe in prayer.

So here is what I pray for all my friends, family, animals, and myself... (I like to pray for us all together as an affirmation of our connections and relationships.)

To be Healthy (Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually), that all ailments of thought or flesh might flee us and free us to live a life unhindered. That all damage might heal rapidly and restore us to full health.

To be Strong (Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually), that being healthy and unhindered we might find strength to combat all that life might throw at us, whether flesh or thought, so that we might be strong in our defense and indomitable in the face of foes.

To be Beautiful (Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually), that in that Strength there might also be beauty and grace to temper what could be brutish, wisdom to temper the strength of mind, and love to amplify the strength of the soul.

May these things together create a perfect balance and bring us Peace and Prosperity. Keep us from pain and persecution and may we never seek to cause pain or persecution to another. In so doing, make us a blessing to those around us that the very act of being is more of a testimony than any word we may speak.

Bless those who Bless us, and for those who wish good things for us, I pray that they might also be blessed with the same.

For those who curse us, I pray they develop empathy and understanding and begin to be healthy too. That they might come to grips with what is broken inside them that makes them hate us, as much as anything that we have done. Convict their hearts that they might repent and ask for forgiveness so that we might move forward.

And for those we have truly wronged, I ask forgiveness for those times when we were neither healthy nor strong. Help us to repent and be forgiven that we might move forward.

I pray that all these things work for good, and that the human race might wake from the sleep that shuts its eyes to truth. That we might all see things as they truly are and move in a positive direction toward healing instead of wounding.

In Jesus' Name,

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