Sunday, December 15, 2013

Emotional Abuse in Politics

In the past I have said that Obama behaves like an emotionally abusive husband and America is his abused wife. He is charismatic and charming, and America loves him, so they let the abuse continue. All you have to do is look at some of the characteristics of emotionally abusive husbands and realize that he is in fact doing them to us.  The only thing missing from the list is pressure to have sex, but we have had to bend over and take it with taxes, and the TSA is good at the molesting without consent.

Checking your cell phone or email without permission
This is a big tell in a relationship, but you don't have to look far in our government either. Just look at this Daily Show episode with Jon Stewart.  "... no honey, I wouldn't ever do that... or tell you that I did that". This is an abuse of privacy, and expression of ownership over the individual. An abuser does not recognize your basic human rights. You are their possession. This is true in relationships and in politics.

This constant tracking can also fall under insecurity, by the sheer extreme of security that he has instituted to buffer his insecurity about the American people. That the NSA is abusing power to such an extent that it's stalking would be love interests is only along the same lines of the abusive qualities inherent in this personality. 

Constantly putting you down
Obama's famous quotation, "If you've got a business—you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." This is bullshit, because government has done more to limit the growth and development of business than aid it.  It minimizes the efforts of the business owner while taking all the credit. This is classic abusive behavior, where the abuser tells you that you would be nothing without them, and who else would want you.

Explosive Temper, Mood Swings, and Making False Accusations
Obama has been a temperamental president, storming out, calling those who oppose Obamacare or other implementations extremists.  He's already been shown to lie if you watched the Daily Show clip, and then see how those who oppose him are automatically called racist.  This is a form of blame shifting which is also an emotionally abusive tactic.  When in the face of real factual arguments to their actions, an abuser will divert the attention in classic magic show redirection.  A person may have real concern about policies, but by calling the person a racist, he immediately villainizes them while directing attention away from valid arguments.

Degradation, Telling you what to do, Constantly criticizes weight/looks, Control all the financial decisions, refuse to listen to their partner’s opinion, withhold important financial information and make their spouse live on limited resources.
These all seem to lump together within the Obama policies.  Obamacare which promised people they could keep their plans (cue empty promises, another abusive tactic) obviously turned out to be a lie.  It forced its plan on people and raised people's rates astronomically.  If you don't think that Obama is making your body his, then consider Michelle Obama's war on obesity, controlling what people eat, limiting sodas in school, and basically telling people they are fat, criticizing their weight.  The government is now trying to control what you put into your body and how you handle it when you are sick.  In essence it is making some of the most important decisions, and by not divulging information "you have to pass the bill to know what's in it" that is all falling within the abusive range.

If the spouse does not give into the control they are threatened, harassed, punished and intimidated by the abuser. Physically hurting you in any way, Intimidation
In our government's case, it's a matter of threat by force. "It's the law so get used to it" mentality. Punishment comes at the point of a gun or possibly a drone strike.

Threats, Withholding to get own way, Demonstrating Omnipotence and Futility of Resistance
Recently Obama shut down the government. It's happened in the past, but this was not a way to save money on furlough, because he actually hired massive amounts of armed enforcers to keep people off federal property. However because the state governments stepped in, it did not have the pervasive impact that he was probably looking for to demonstrate power.

Monopolization of Perception
This is used to Frustrate all actions not consistent with compliance. Honestly, this one is a given with the media, and Obama having specifically put people opposed to him publicly on watch lists.

Although I could continue, it is up to you to open your eyes to the abuse that is happening. Read the list of abusive behaviors and consider if it can be applied to what you are seeing happening around you. Once an abuser takes root, the abuse only grows. It's a cycle of continual subservience and abuse. The abuser only has power so long as the abused is willing to submit via guilt and manipulation.  Don't let America become the abused wife of Obama.

I've gathered together some resources on what makes an emotionally abusive relationship below with links to the resources.

Warning Signs of Abuse

Because relationships exist on a spectrum, it can be hard to tell when a behavior crosses the line from healthy to unhealthy or even abusive. Use these warning signs of abuse to see if your relationship is going in the wrong direction:
  • Checking your cell phone or email without permission
  • Constantly putting you down
  • Extreme jealousy or insecurity
  • Explosive temper
  • Isolating you from family or friends
  • Making false accusations
  • Mood swings
  • Physically hurting you in any way
  • Possessiveness
  • Telling you what to do
  • Repeatedly pressuring you to have sex
  • Isolating a spouse from friends and family.
  • Discourage any independent activities such as work; taking classes or activities with friends.
  • Accuse their spouse of being unfaithful if she talks to a member of the opposite sex.
  • Expect her/him to partake in sexual activities that he/she is uncomfortable with to prove their love. Or, withhold sex as punishment instead of communicating openly their displeasure.
  • Constantly criticize the spouses weight, their looks, they way they dress.
  • If the spouse does not give into the control they are threatened, harassed, punished and intimidated by the abuser.
  • Uses the children to gain control by undermining the other parent’s authority or threatening to leave and take the children.
  • Control all the financial decisions, refuse to listen to their partner’s opinion, withhold important financial information and make their spouse live on limited resources.
  • Make all major decisions such as where to live, how to furnish the home and what type of automobile to drive.

Biderman's Chart of Coercion:

  • Isolation:
    Deprives the victim of all social support necessary for the ability to resist.
    Develops an intense concern for self.
    Causes victims to depend on the victimizer.
  • Monopolization of Perception:
    Fixes attention upon immediate predicament and fosters introspection.
    Eliminates stimuli competing with those controlled by the captor.
    Frustrates all actions not consistent with compliance.
  • Induced Debility &Exhaustion:
    Weakens mental and physical ability to resist.
  • Threats:
    Cultivates anxiety and despair.
  • Occasional Indulgences (bailouts) :
    Provides positive motivation for continued compliance.
  • Demonstrating “Omnipotence”:
    Suggests futility of resistance.
  • Enforcing Trivial Demands:
    Develops habits of compliance
  • Degradation:
    Makes cost of resistance appear more damaging to the self-esteem than capitulation
    Reduces prisoner to, “animal level” concerns.

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