Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 4: Soylent

I remember one fellow saying about Soylent that by the 4th day he had all sorts of energy. Well mine must translate into no sleep. Part of that is being constantly woken at night by my daughter coughing for the past week so the mama worry instinct has me ready to jump up. But my mind did not want to slow down last night. I'm not entirely sure that I slept at all, and I'm not sure how I'm awake at the moment. Considering how tired and bad I felt the other day, this is new.

Past 2 days I have not been able to finish my daily allotment of Soylent. I've been able to down 3 of the 4 glasses from the pitcher, but I'm so full still that the fourth has just been too much and I haven't needed/wanted it.

In the realm of TMI, that's a lot of fiber. If you know anything about gluten allergies one of the symptoms is bowel problems. So I guess I'm getting a taste of what it's like for them to operate normally.  It's a clue that this might have been the problem all along. Also the way I bounced back from being sick was encouraging.

As traditionally, I took Morgan to MacDonald's yesterday after gymnastics. While she ate, I drank my coke and although there was a moment where a leftover fry looked good, I felt full and less interested in snacking.

Socially it's a bit strange. Going out to eat was the thing we did with friends. Now it's become "I'll watch you eat", which is honestly far better on my wallet which can only stretch so much when I've got to buy my daughter new clothes because nothing fits anymore, like yesterday.

So far I'm pleased, and no weird dreams about food when you don't sleep. We'll see if I have any more energy at the gym today. It will be easier to recognize changes when we get back to our normal schedule.

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