Monday, May 19, 2014

Soylent: Day 2

Husband, Trenton, proud #SoylentPioneer
Yesterday we had company come in from out of town, which meant that at one point we had to feed them. It was our first day of Soylent and my husband and I have 2 completely different approaches. I'm expecting a lifestyle change that needs to be integrated into my life, but my husband is in full scientific experimentation mode.  We both had Soylent before we took our friends to one of our favorite local restaurants. I shared an appetizer of cheese with my friends, but I was stuffed afterward. Trenton only had water. So it will be interesting to see if easing into foodlessness is better than going cold turkey.

Our plan to start a new schedule was thwarted however by a virus. Maladies have no respect for routine. Our daughter was up most of last night with coughing fits which meant nobody slept well. It's hard to get a baseline for energy or other changes when things are already abnormal. But so far nothing unusual, it's not much different than Slimfast. There's nothing out of the ordinary to report, but then that might be because I had some solid food last night as well, even though it was minimal.

Nothing unexpected so far. I haven't spontaneously dropped 30 lbs but I haven't gained either. And I am used to feeling like crap thanks to my thyroid so if there's any change there, I wouldn't know. My husband has a far more extensive blog on the experience, which you can see here He used his google glass to record opening the boxes and other processes that might interest others.

Addendum 6:00pm: I am not feeling so well at the moment, but I've heard that the first 4 days are the worst.  However my daughter had a fever of 104 last week, so not sure what the culprit is also combined with lack of sleep. So that might be completely unrelated.

Trenton and I have both noticed that our general body odor is different and we feel like we are detoxing, sweating more, etc.

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