Thursday, October 24, 2013

Alien News: Rising Gas Prices Caused by Copyright Infringement

Raised gas prices are a levy against car manufacturers for infringing on copyrighted names.

Pressure is mounting on the United States, as fuel prices continue to rise to record heights without alleviation in sight. Many blame the price increase on outdated oil refineries and the inability to cost effectively build new ones due to US restrictions. This is partially true, but not the main cause.

The real cause is import/export taxation on the United States, but not on other countries. The earth itself actually ran out of oil in the 90s. Since then, it has been importing oil from alien suppliers, and these suppliers are now squeezing the US consumers due to an unsettled legal dispute with car manufacturers.

For years automobile producers have been using names associated with stellar homes to aliens without due compensation. Citizens of Saturn and Taurus are just two of the offended parties in a long list of protesters that have participated in this legal suit.

When approached about the situation, car manufacturers ignored the complaint, claiming that the names were public domain. As a result the alien deliveries of oil from Saturn have slowly increased taxation, hoping to eliminate the gas consuming cars that bare infringed upon names, with cars that run on new fuels.

With limited results, the aliens have been less concerned with concealing their deliveries, especially to the mid east, whereas in their fast descent they appear in a fashion similar to a rocket hurdling to the earth, which has created other drastic responses.

Although other transportation technology is available, even before the alien trade embargo, it is doubtful that most americans will be able to afford the new technology. However until humans are no longer dependent on the aliens for their way of life, they may not be able to afford not to... - Ellar

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