Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 5

Everybody in the house is sick, and I just can't keep up the hyper-vigilance, so relying on security system and dog.  Honestly I've kinda checked out and find myself just wanting to be alone, and not able to handle a lot of sounds... not a great thing when you have a kid.  Morgan is mad at me for being off, which makes things so much more complicated. I'm doing my best, but it's just not good enough.  Still just wanting to sleep but I can't sleep very well.  Constantly sick to my stomach, but I'm not sure if that's nerves or whatever crud has gotten the house.  Not feeling very verbose at the moment, and all of it just seems to be rehashing of nerves and worry. I guess just another symptom of checking out.  Somehow have to pull it together and be productive this week.

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